How do I access audio online?

Created by Dory Schultz, Modified on Thu, 09 May 2024 at 02:41 PM by Dory Schultz

FluencyLink users

If you have a subscription for compatible books on FluencyLink, you can click on the speaker hotspot icons in the pages of your e-book to play the audio. 
You can find the full list of resources available for your e-book by going to the "Resources" section on the left side of the e-reader. 

Click on "Audio" to show the list of audio resources. Clicking on any resource here will take you to the page where the hotspot is in the e-book and play that audio resource. 

Physical Book users

If have a physical book and are looking to download the accompanying audio, but do not have a FluencyLink account, then you will want to go to Click on the the book/series you are looking (in this example, we are looking for Strive for a 5: AP Chinese)

You will be asked to submit a form that is on the right side of the screen. Please fill out the requested information and keep in mind that the Verification textbox is the answer to the question that is underneath it.

After you have clicked SUBMIT, you will be taken to a download link which you can click on to download the zip folder that contains your audio files to your device.

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